The Ifs and Buts of Pest Control Marietta Ga

How safely have you been able to keep pest problems at bay? The key is to put questions forth to Pest Control Marietta Ga companies and their advice would be beneficial. Let us now illustrate the steps whereby pests would be a diminished entity.

Opt for pest prevention first and foremost

• Eradicate the sources of food, shelter and water

• Do store food in plastic containers or sealed plastic containers

• Make it a point that you fix the leakages in your home and do not allow water to accumulate anywhere.

• Do check out pests in boxes or packages before you take it home

Windows and doors           

As pests could wriggle through the tiniest of gaps, inspection followed by repair of doors and windows are  important. Screen meshes that are close to 200 holes in a square should be incorporated in all the doors along with windows.

Mulch and plants

Taper off any shrubbery or tree blanches which touch your home so as to eradicate pest entry to your home. Mulch in comparison to pine straw and wood chips does go on to provide ideal shelter for the pests. You should not allow the pests to touch upon the foundation and try to make the ground cover as less attractive as possible such as stone or rock.

Litter and trash

Decks, yards and garages should be kept free from any form of litter. Not forgetting to mention standing water along with weeds. The trash cans need to be tight fitting and the cans need to cleaned on a regular basis so that the debris should not spill over which the pests could feed.


To ensure that the insects do not fly around your home the standard mercury bulbs needs to be replaced with halogen or sodium vapour lights. Bulbs with orange, yellow or pink tints are less likely to attract the insects. It is observed that lights are normally placed near the exteriors of the doors.  The tip would be to keep the source of light further off, and when possible use pole lights and towards the door the light should shine so as to provide safety.

Stored foods

If it is not possible to cordon off the closed bags or boxes, then food should be placed in a plastic container. This would prevent the insects for being drawn to them. Another tip would be to use the old products first and then use the fresh ones so as to keep the attractants away.

Interior gaps

There are some gaps which are visible from the interiors of your home only. Do locate any gap which is more than ¼ inch and make it a point that you cordon it off.

Recycled items

It is suggested that you do keep the recycled items away from your home and surroundings. If such a situation does not present itself, ensure that the containers are properly rinsed and the recycle bin is fitted with a tight lid. The trash containers needs to be rodent proof and cleaned properly.


Floor drains and sinks are known to accumulate debris which attracts pests and provides them an ideal breeding ground. Especially small flies are drawn to them like a magnet. Do inspect and ensure that the drains are maintained on a regular basis.


The more you keep your home clean, the less attractive it is going to be for the pests. As per Pest Control Marietta Ga there is less chance of any pests breeding. There are fewer chances of you taking a defensive step and availing the services of a professional pest control company.

To conclude, if you follow the above mentioned tips to a large extent you can keep the pests away from your home and surroundings. But if things do not work out in your favour and still the menance of pests continue there is no other option rather than getting in touch with professional Pest Control Marietta Ga companies.

The internet is the best place to find more about them. Just a random search on the web will throw a lot of names. It is suggested to research and go through the reviews before choosing one.


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